Privacy Policy - GoTravelly

Gotravelly Privacy Policy

Applied Policy in Gotravelly on Privacy related issues
Gotravelly Privacy Policy

Please read this document carefully.

A. Terms Of Use

By accessing Gotravelly (including various features in it, mini-site which is included in the main website and others media which is under the auspices Gotravelly Group), you are deemed to have approved the legal restrictions which have been determined for this website. These restrictions will constantly be modified in accordance with the development of this website. So we ask you to read this Privacy Policy before accessing this website further and continue to monitor possible changes we may make to these regulations.


1. Use Gotravelly WebsiteThe website address is owned and managed by Gotravelly Group (which is a group company of other brands that can or will be formed later). Where Gotravelly Group reserves the right to suspend or terminate your access to this website at any time, with or without notice or explanation if you do not comply with our regulations. 


2. RightsAll intellectual property rights in the content, including copyright, can be accessed on this website. That's all including the intellectual property in the form of text, photographs, video, audio, software and others forms are owned Gotravelly Group or its licensors. With this all rights are protected. 


3. Use of Content , Quoting , and SharingThis website and all contents therein should only be used for your personal use, not for commercial purposes. You also agree to abide by the provisions of the copyright attached to the content of this website. You are permitted to quote a portion of the content that we provide other social media or your blog throughout the match including the source of content pages on our website, by inserting back- link or a link back to the specific page (URL) content that you quote. We also suggest that you use the sharing features that we have provided on every page of our content to share information with the public. 


4. Trademarks and Intellectual PropertyGotravelly with the website is a registered trademark of Gotravelly Group. Everything that exists in this website are intellectual property owned Gotravelly Group. However, you are allowed to use the content of our website, in the form of quotations or sharing on others social media with reference to the provisions in point 3. 


5. Limitation of Liability and Indemnity


5.1. Editorial contentIn addition to our research results, information, data, images, opinions and articles published in this website may also come from a variety of sources. Especially for a link from the outside, you are expected to read and utilize the information contained in it wisely. Gotravelly can’t provide assurance that the information displayed is accurate and complete for all time. You need to note that the risk of any contact or relationship you do with a third party whose name is listed in our website or third parties are linked to our website (including, but not limited to, third parties who have commercial cooperation with us) is your responsibility personal. And within the limits of applicable law Gotravelly Group exempted from responsibility for all kinds of risks that occur. Every part of this website may only be used for personal purposes and your general information and is not specific to any recommendations or suggestions. Before taking the actions or decisions based on the whole or any part of the contents of this website, you should always check independently of any personal information that you consider important to be a basis for decision making and action. Gotravelly Group gives no assurance that any element in our website are free of viruses or other digital contamination. We also do not guarantee that the website is compatible with all computer systems, software and browser. Advertising or promotional material submitted by third parties can be seen on this website. Advertisers are fully responsible for the materials, including ensuring that the material meets the applicable laws and regulations Gotravelly not responsible for the material. Gotravelly Group can’t be held responsible for claims, losses, injuries, penalties, damages, cost or expense arising from the use of, or inability to utilize some or all of the contents of our website, or neglect of an action that should be taken, as a result of the use of content  Gotravelly Group exempted from responsibility to you and / or any third party for any consequences or incidental damages (including, but not limited to, lost profits, loss of privacy or failure to fulfill any duty ) or for any indirect, special or punishment matter arising out of or relating to the use of our website or its contents or any violation of rules and policies regarding the use of this website that has been set by Gotravelly Group.

5.2. User Generated Content ( UGC )If you enter a material in this website (in the form of post or comment text, photographs, images, video, or audio) you agree thereby to grant or license, sub-license, royalty-free, non-exclusive, and the right to modify these materials to Gotravelly. That is Gotravelly entitled to use, reproduce, modify, adapt, publish, translate, or create new works of the material that you input. Gotravelly also entitled to distribute, display, bring up the matter with the provisions of copyright and publication on the website Gotravelly. If you don’t want to give these rights to us, you should not contribute anything to this website. By entering your contribution to this website, you guarantee that such contribution is your original work and ensure that your contributions are not damaging or attacking a particular party, and not violate the law or personal rights of a person in any jurisdiction. You accept that when there are other forms of violations of the law or the damage and attack certain people in your material, which may harm or damage the good name Gotravelly, then you will provide compensation for the damages and legal fees, and other costs that occur and experienced by Gotravelly result of your contributions. Website users accept that we may not display content entered by the user, and we reserve the right to delete content entered by the user at any time without giving any reason or notice to you. Gotravelly reserves the right to monitor any communication you make in this website and by entering a material or to communicate in this website means that you are considered to have given us permission to monitor or remove any material or communications which in our opinion does not comply. 


6. Links to Third Party SitesThis website may contain links to other sites managed by other parties wholly unrelated to Gotravelly Group. Links to third party sites may be identified as by pressing a particular mark your link will open a new browser window that displays the address of such third -party sites , or otherwise Gotravelly Group will give a sign to you that it is a third party site . Certain links are provided for your convenience and reference only and you can access it with the risk borne by you personally  


7. Co-branded sitesIn addition to the provisions of number 6, some third-party sites are provided as a "co-branded sites" which are managed by third parties with whom the Group Gotravelly commercial cooperation, including sites that you can use to make payments for the use of a particular website or service. If you want to make purchases or conduct financial transactions with other parties under the auspices of Gotravelly Group, you will enter into a contract with the relevant third parties that may ask you to provide information about yourself and your finances, including credit card details and bank account You. These third parties have terms and conditions and privacy policy and up to you to give permission or sebalknya to grant third party on your personal data they requested. Although we choose our partners very carefully, Gotravelly Group is not responsible for any loss or other damage you experience as a result of your decision to approve any agreement or transaction with, or providing personal information to, trading partners or other third parties. Therefore, your attention to the privacy policy is very important. 


8. Competition, Withdrawal Sweepstakes and PromotionsGotravelly Group may in certain times will organize the competition or the draw, either on its own initiative, for the benefit of third parties or in cooperation with commercial partners. Additional terms and conditions will be provided at the time the competition will be held. 


9. Changes to These TermsGotravelly Group reserves the right to make changes to any part of this website and add or subtract the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy on this website.Any changes that occur immediately put in place so loaded. It is your responsibility to re- look at the various provisions relating to the use of this website and Privacy policy within it, each time you access this website.Every time you access this website, you are deemed to agree to be bound to the terms of this Privacy Policy, and Procedures for Post and Conditions of Use will continue to change over time. 


10. Law of IndonesiaBy accessing this website, you agree to accept that these Terms of Use shall be governed and made in accordance with applicable law in Indonesia. You also receive the exclusive jurisdiction of the Indonesian courts to handle disputes that may occur related to these Terms and your use of this website or any consequences arising from the charge information in it. COMPANY INFORMATION is media products published by Gotravelly Group, with office address at : …………………

B.          Procedures Posts and Use Website Through the website as well as other products under the brand Gotravelly Group, we hope you can exchange information and other supporting data that drives you to mutually develop your insight regarding the sharing of things in this world, learn about culture exist, and make communities in this world. To ensure the flow of conversation you walk freely and smoothly, we give you an opportunity to comment on each post from your friend or other members. We hope you can use this facility wisely. Therefore, you are requested to read this document. To ensure the flow of conversation between users on this website takes place freely , smoothly and remain in the realm of the rules we have set in this Privacy Policy, Terms of Use, Legal Provisions and others, then the access and use of various community features on this website you must follow the rules and regulations as follows:


1. By using this website you have agreed that the rules and conditions of use we have set your legally binding and applicable as soon as you use this website. If you do not agree with legally binding rules and regulations based on these, please do not access or use this website.


2. Terms and conditions subject to change at any time and or Gotravelly Group may make changes to these provisions and load it online anytime.It is your responsibility to constantly check these provisions each time you access this website or when you want to leave a comment. If you continue or renew the use of this website after changes to the provisions contained means you agree to be bound by the rules and provisions and amendments   


3. When you contribute in various formats into this website, whether it be text, images, video or audio means you have to agree that the copyright and publishing your contributions entirely belong Gotravelly Group. Thus, Gotravelly Group and do not have to pay royalties for the use of these contributions.Thus Gotravelly Group may use, reproduce, modify, adapt, publish, translate, create another form of these contributions, distribute, display to the public, claiming copyright and publication.If you don’t agree with our requirements, please do not contribute anything to this website. 


4. With the contribution of any kind into this website:   


4.1. You warrant that your contribution is your original work and you can prove it to Gotravelly Group when prompted.    

4.2. You warrant that:

4.2.1. Your contributions are not injured and did not violate the law or someone's personal rights; and4.2.2. You have to do everything necessary to ensure that your contribution is not going to invite complaints from parties who feel that their rights are violated by your contributions as set out in point 4.2.1

4.3. You shall provide compensation to Gotravelly Group for any consequence, legal fees and other costs that may be experienced by Gotravelly Group as a result of a violation of this provision. 


5. You agree to use this site only for purposes that do not violate the law and in a way that will not harm or infringe or restrict the rights of others to use and enjoy this website. The following are examples (and not a complete list) behavior or actions are prohibited:

·         threatening or harassing

·          include material of a sexual nature, racial, attacking a particular party, or contain other properties that tend to intimidate or cause stress or other disturbing effects

·         Imprecate

·         do spam·         posting the same material over and over again

·         trace 


6. If in our judgment contributions you violate this provision or not in accordance with the reputation as well as systems in this website, Gotravelly Group reserves the right to remove your contributions and / or block any contributions that come from your email address or IP address (internet protocol) that you use. 


7. With give report about content that violates this rule to us (by using the contact form), you can help us to improve the quality of this website. Our obligation is to follow up with you to edit, delete, and perform corrective action reported any content forum and violate the provisions of paragraph ( 5 ), as soon as possible in proportion at least 7 x 24 hours after the complaint is received. 


8. Gotravelly Group also reserves the right to not show or even delete any contribution that violates the provisions or not in accordance with the system of this website at any time without the need for notice or explanation. 


9. If you are under 17 years old, you must be accompanied by a parent or guardian before giving contribution to our website. 


10. To the extent permitted by law, Gotravelly Group is not responsible for losses, including lost data, loss of revenue or profit potential, defects in reputation, losses suffered by third parties, or any other indirect consequences. 


11. Gotravelly Group does not warrant the functions contained in this website is free interruptions or perfect or even free from viruses or bugs contamination. 


12. This provision is made and interpreted under the laws in force in Indonesia.  


© Copyright Gotravelly Group 2015Last Update: 08 September 2015